Tuesday 7 May 2013

Humble Beginnings


Being here the past four days really makes me appreciate my parents and all that they have done for me.  Seeing the way people live here also makes me appreciate the things I have.  People start their days really early!  For the past two days, I have been waking up at 6:25am and don't get back home until 7pm.  People here do not have much, but they are happy.  The pharmacy is located in what can be considered "downtown" Accra.  There are shops, markets, vendors, and all sorts there.  People begin their days as early as 4am.  They sell any and everything!  And the way they can carry things on their heads is amazing.  I saw one woman carrying at least 7 boxes on her head!  Everyone must have amazing posture in order to do that.  Everyone is always on the go and the streets/highways are filled with cars and people.  People cross highways with no shame!  It's scary.  I don't know how people find their way around places because there are barely any street signs, but they make their way.  I can't even tell people where I am staying because there are no street names!  People rely on landmarks to give/get directions.  I hope to find my way around with no problem soon.

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